Doneita Harmon is a native of Chicago, illinois.  She received her high school education at Proviso East High school in Maywood, Illinois during which time she accepted Christ as her personal Lord and Savior. In her senior year of high school, her family moved to the deep south where her college career began. She later met and married her husband Lenard a member of the Armed Forces. For the next 20 years, Doneita traveled the world as a military spouse walking in the call to build up her household as a godly wife and mother. 

After 20 years of marriage,  Doneita resumed her educational pursuits and has not stopped. She successfully obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and a Master’s Degree in Nursing Education.  She has been a strong voice advocating for nurses within California's Public Health arena. She has also  appeared before both county and state legislatures as well as The Board of Registered Nursing in California. Throughout her born again expereince Doneita  has  served in various positions within the church including praise team leader, Sunday school teacher, and assistant mission’s director. 

Doneita has done in-depth research and study about generational curses and has authored her first book, Breaking the Back of Generation Curses: A Journey to Wholeness. The workbook will be coming soon, and she created a line of products to be released, that will assist individuals in identifying and addressing generational issues. The Generational Deliverance product line includes books, workbooks, devotionals, and a genogram to help families in identifying generational patterns. She is also working on a second Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Counseling. Doneita is a minister, inventor, intercessory prayer warrior, songwriter, and keynote speaker. 

Contact Us

WEB: www.shulamiteintl.com

EMail: shulanational@gmail.com

For Speaking Engagements:  Please contact shulanational@gmail.com

Instagram: @Shulaknight

Facebook: shulawarrior